PCTV4Me is a program to watch TV and listen to radio stations over the Internet. This program allows you to see and hear in your computer worldwide stations that broadcast its programs over the Internet. These stations can be usually tuned through any web browser, the main advantage of this program is to have all of them in just one interface.
In the "Channels" section of the menu you will see a list of available channels. You can play the selected channel by double-clicking over its name. You can even define a second channel (also called picture-in-picture channel) to view its image without sound, in a smaller window. PCTV4Me also allows you to record the content you´re playing, and save it on your hard disk, for viewing/hearing it later, in the "Library" section. You can record whatever you´re playing by pushing the "Record" button in the "Now Playing" section. The unregistered version of this program will allow you to listen to radio stations, but you won´t be able to view any TV channels before registration. You will need to pay a one-time setup fee of $29.95, no further payments will be required.